Tuesday, August 7, 2012


   I can not say whether or not these theories are true, all I do wanna say is that the official stories are both wishy washy. In the case of the Aurora incident James Holmes was studying Neuroscience. In the case of the Sikh Temple shooting, Wade Michael Page was in psychological operations for the us army. There is already alot of info regarding this incident, as well as a prior incident that occurred on April 22nd 2012, involving a man named Kiarron Parker, who shot a pastors mother 5 times as she was trying to help him,as he had crashed his car. Upon entering the church, (for god only knows what reason) an off duty police officer shot and killed him. There is speculation that this may have been the first in the series of "False Flag" events. There are a couple articles I will share with you, in which you can find more information, such as a possible link between the Neuroscience, and psyops, both of which pertain to human brain manipulation.
 The official story of the Sikh Temple shooting has been screwy from the start, considering contradictions of the same nature as the "Batman Massacre". Eyewitnesses claiming they saw 4 men dressed in black carry out the murders at the Sikh Temple, while police claim one man acted out a "lone wolf" scenario.  I personaly heard predictions on various news channels that they would do this and blame it on a white supremacist, in the attempt to change the image of  terrorists to the American people. Here are a few links to the other stories, as well as the Washington Post official story on Wade Michael Page.

BIAS MEDIA VERSION~ (washington post article)
Calling Wade Michael page a White Supremacist, and showing he was in a band related to this type of thing, as well as the fact that he was previously dishonorably discharged from the army, due to alcohol abuse.
INFOWARS INVESTIGATION~ (excerpt from infowars.com article)
The FBI has run racist and white supremacist groups since the 1960s. Under COINTELPRO, the FBI “subsidized, armed, directed and protected the Ku Klux Klan and other right-wing groups,” Brian Glick writes. Racist groups were used to create a strategy of tension by attacking groups on the so-called left, including anti-war, Chicano and Puerto Rican activists and nationalists.
    It now appears the government has taken its psyop to the next level. Instead of merely concentrating on small time busts and demonizing “rightwing extremists” for propaganda purposes in a complaint corporate media, they have decided to add the racist “white power” angle to the domestic terrorism narrative.
This article talks about Kiarron Parker, and how all of these incidents bring one to think about a certain CIA operated, covert, illegal human research program into behavioral modification under the acronym MK-Ultra.
(please click on blue links for original articles).


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