Saturday, July 13, 2013


Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano announced she would step down today, accepting an offer to head the University of California system, a position for which she has very little relevant experience. A review of the endless Homeland Security scandals under her tenure, and Napolitano's tendency to protect herself from criticism by claiming she had no idea what was going on, makes a mockery of the idea that her managerial skills are worth half a million dollars per year to the massive California university system.

But she is good at politics, and has plenty of Democrat Party connections. That's the only resume bullet point that really matters, in this and many other cases of big-name politicians finding lucrative private sector employment. In a centralized, hyper-regulated economy dominated by billion-dollar agencies, political assets are extremely valuable. What resource is more important than the right political connections? What skill is more essential than the ability to win support from state and federal officials?

It's highly relevant to remember that Napolitano's departure is not at all sudden. She was "quietly contacted" a "long time ago" by executive recruiters for the California university system, according to sources in her office. But the American people weren't told about it... even though the political class was embroiled in a gigantic struggle over immigration reform, where the Homeland Security secretary plays a vital role.

Conservative critics will be glad to see "Big Sis" out of Homeland Security. Of course, they might like her replacement even less. Nothing ever seems to get better in the Obama era.

-- John Hayward
Senior Writer
On Twitter: Doc_0


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