Thursday, August 2, 2012


  What is Mr. Sherman saying? If you ask me, from this brief clip it seems like he's saying don't freak out, and play into the globalist's hand's. They need you to act like a moron so they can get the liberal's to feel comfortable with the extermination of people with opposite belief's.
   This Totalitarian philosophy has been used time and time again throughout history, to wipe out any opposition. How in the world does this kind of thing happen in America? The land of the free, home of the brave?
    Personally I don't see a right or a left wing. I see one dictatorship singling out people who love, and wish to keep their republic. Ask yourself, does any of this even make sense from a left or right perspective?
    So far it seems the left is inching ever closer to fascism, blinded by idiotic misinformation planted in their head's by our obviously NOT liberal administration. That's right NOT liberal, more like GLOBALIST TYRANT'S! "Right wing Extremist"? How? The right wing doesn't even support us on gun control!
     Rep. John Haller makes me nervous to say the least. Most of the document he is reading is classified! Here's a question for you, will Mr. Haller be singled out for his use of the word "Jesus"? Will his obvious disbelief of the document land him on the wrong side of the fence? I guess only time will tell.
    Last but not least, the "Homegrown Terrorist" accusations. This is the last straw! Pro lifer's are considered "Domestic Terrorist's"? Anyone who support's a third party candidate, is a "Right Wing Extremist"? Come on! The people who value life are the one's you should fear? What? How radical will the view's of this administration become?
     I can not stress enough how people like me, who value the sanctity of life, would be more than happy to walk away with our constitution intact, gun's in our holster's, no Civil War, no Revolution, no problem!
     You can't expect good people to walk away from murder. Murder is precisely what Abortion is, and if you researched exactly what they do to abort the pregnancy, you would be sick. A person who would condone such a thing, even after knowing the fact's, is indeed the sadistic monster Pro Lifer's are being made out to be! If you stand by your idiotic women's choice position, how long will it be before it finally sinks in how selfish that is? Your alive, your mother didn't abort you! You made the choice to lay with a man, put it up for adoption if you can't provide or you just don't have the instincts. Either way, each life deserves the chance to live!
      That said, I sympathize with rape victims. No woman should be violated by any man, who call's himself a man. The victim of such an act, is entitled to justice to the fullest extent of the law. I only propose you ask yourself one question. How is that the baby's fault? I am not a woman, but even my own wife feels these innocent souls deserve a chance at life. The same chance you had. No one said it would be an easy thing to deal with, but if you would rather take a life than save one, well my dear you are no better than your rapist, and you are no longer a victim.


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